Mola Chris YOK is the Founder and Chairman of the National Offshore Institute of Australia and America, Limited (NOIAA LTD). In this exclusive interview, he expressed his strong support for Cameroon’s National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH), headed by Adolphe Moudiki.
Mola YOK, recognized as a pioneer in the On/offshore Safety Training Sector in Africa, Europe, Middle East and the Oceanic, highlights SNH’s significant impact on Cameroon’s energy sector and Africa in general. He also expressed his unwavering support for the Cameroon’s National Hydrocarbons Corporation (SNH) as a Sustainable Energy Future:
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Is SNH a pillar of safety and sustainability?
Mola Chris YOK: this is a very important question that some Cameroonians really want to know. Are you from the same village or Region with the Managing Director of SNH in Cameroon? I ask this question because you have always supported the MD of SNH in nearly all your interview around the globe:
I will be very honest with you, this Mr. MOUDIKI man does not even know me either have we met before. I am from the South West Region of the English speaking Cameroon and I heard he is from the Littoral Region, which is the French Speaking part of Cameroon.
I also heard we speak almost same dialect with same surnames but the difference is that they are of French Cameroon. I have read the history of many state owned companies in Cameroon and I have worked with most of the MDs but when it comes to SNH and management by this same MOUDIKI, I have a special respect for his personality. He manages SNH as if it is own by him.

What I admire most in his management style is the fact that he is so strict, rigorous, encourages his staffs to learn and to be hard working.
He is not tribalistic when it comes to recruitment in SNH, you will find all the tribes of the ten regions of this country Cameroon.
Listen, I admire Mr. MOUDIKI simply because he is good in his managerial skills and nothing else. To me if you are good, l appreciates you directly.
Does SNH has a Promising Future?
Mola Chris YOK’s support for SNH reflects a growing confidence in Cameroon’s potential as an energy hub in Africa. With ambitious expansion plans, SNH is well positioned to play a key role in the country’s energy transition, while remaining committed to safety and sustainability.
Any Conclusion?
Mola Chris YOK stresses the importance of safety in the On/offshore sector in the oil and gas sector in Cameroon and Africa in general, saying that SNH still have to integrate in to the international standards in its On/offshore operations.
This reinforces the credibility of the industry and reassures investors like it is been done in Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Angola, South Africa, Chad, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Namibia etc.. whereby before you go to work offshore you must undergo the Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET).
This aspect is been controlled by the state own company that regulate the Oil and Gas sector in that particular country.
One of my greatest cry if I happened to come in contact one day with Mr. MOUDIKI, I will plead with him if he can use his high office to encourage local On/offshore Maritime Safety Training Centres own by Cameroonians that are recognized worldwide.
In addition, I would plead with him if he can put up some regulations where by all foreign oil and gas companies operating in Cameroon should stop sending their employees for On/offshore safety trainings abroad like it is been done in Angola, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, Chad, Senegal, Ivory Coast etc..
With this, Cameroon taxpayer money is going to remain back in the state coffer of this country.
How long do you wish Mr. MOUDIKI to stay in the office?
Hahaha. First, I am not a government minister, Prime Minister or President of the Republic that appoints directors in state owns companies.
If I was one of these personalities then Mr. MOUDIKI will need to be there as long as he can. Believe me, if Mr. MOUDIKI leaves SNH today then, tomorrow you will find one particular tribe fill in all over SNH and at the top management positions.