Former Director of Public Relations, Communication and Translation and later on Technical Adviser to the General Manager of the National Refining Company Ltd SONARA, Blasius Ngome, has celebrated God for blessing him through life’s journey.

The three day celebration took place from February 16 to 18, 2024 at his native Mbat village, Bangem Sub Division, Kupe Muanenguba Division of the South West Region.

Speaking on February 17 at the esplanade of his Mbat residence, Ngome told the crowd that accompanied him to celebrate that determination has been the driving force to his achievements, planted on him by his parents, Nicholas Enondia and Lombe Dorothy, both of blessed memories.

“This life lesson enabled me to sail through huddles, insurmountable obstacles that block the pathway to success by never giving up. Consequently, and based on my urge to have a space in the sun, determination became my modus operandi, my way of life, the leitmotiv.” The celebrant added.
Ngome testified that without determination, he couldn’t sail through the turbulent waters until retirement in a prestigious company like SONARA, holding the most coveted positions.

According to the celebrant, without determination he wouldn’t be a member of council of the prestigious University of Buea for over 30 years where life changing decisions are taken relating to academia, staff, students, infrastructures and the entire life of the institution.

“Is it easy without determination to embrace academia after retirement, do a master’s degree, graduate as best all round student in the University of Buea with a GPA of 3.87 on a scale of 4, enroll for a Ph.D, in the renowned University of Douala?” He questioned.
Ngome also asked whether it is easy without determination to marry an astoundingly beautiful princess from Manyu, Ossing, Ethel Ngome, deliver five handsome and intelligent children and sail with her for 36 years and counting.
He added that without determination how easy is it to take the decision to celebrate life by someone who is still alive, when the century old paradigm consists in celebrating life for motionless dead persons, too blind to see, too deaf to hear, too cold to feel.

“I am celebrating because when the trumpet sounds I will no longer be there to enjoy the nice coffin, fine cloths, good meals, like esuba and nzab ngeh, fufu and eru, and pork stew amongst others.” Ngome revealed.
The Mbat son hailed those who celebrated him as seen in the testimonies published in the book titled ‘Celebrating God’s will.’ He mentioned Professor Thomos Atenga, his Ph.D. Supervisor, according to whom his actions and thoughts constitute life lesson to all and sundry.

The Celebrant expressed joy, satisfaction and gratitude to all who braved the dust and the cold weather to rejoice with him in Mbat village and the mind-blowing testimonies recorded in the book.
Other activities that marked the event included a holy mass, traditional dances, camp fire and gala night.

Sunday February 18 has been reserved for excursion to the Muanenguba Twin Lakes, picnic, traditional delicious meals and open air party.
Present at the ceremony was the Senior Divisional Officer of Kupe Muanenguba, Mungambo Ekema William, the Divisional Officer of Bangem Sub Division, Dairou Saly, the Mayor, Bangem Council, Ekungwe Kang Christopher, the Chief of Mbat village, retired Colonel Sume Michael Ngwese, friends and relatives of the celebrant at home and abroad.
By Glovise Forsoh
1 Comment
He just set a pase for everyone to follow
No more celebration of peoples life in their absence