Nkwelle Jacob Esong is the CEO of MUSHFARM Group with head quarter in Tombel, Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region. As a retired Agronomist, Nkwele is involved in the transformation and recycling variety of forestry and agricultural wastes into the production of Oyster Mushroom. In this exclusive interview, he talks about the mushroom production value chain, his vision, the health benefits of mushroom as a functional food and much more.
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The Ultimate: What is mushroom farming all about?
Mushroom farming is a zero emissions farming that looks at the variety of forestry and agricultural wastes in our environment with a view of recycling them in the production of food and economic value chains.
We initiated MUSHFARM Group in 2022 with headquarter in Tombel with the objective of farming Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus.
How available is mushroom from your farm?
We are in production all year round. Fresh mushrooms are available on sale every day. Eighty percent of the production is dried, packaged and stored because mushrooms are highly perishable. However, we do home delivery of fresh mushrooms to our regular customers around Tombel.
What is your vision in the production of mushroom value chain?
My vision is to become a leader in oyster mushroom farming in Cameroon with a capacity of producing at least 2000kg of dried oyster mushroom annually, distributed and sold in major super markets and restaurants in Cameroon. This will enable me creat at least 10 permanent direct jobs in the production and distribution chain.
We also intend to train young men and women to become agripreneurs in mushroom farming because this is where the breakthrough is in creating jobs and alleviating poverty.
Mushroom farming is advantageous because it does not require arable land and the startup capital is relatively small compared to conventional farming activities. It is purely organic as it does not require any chemical or fertilizer inputs. Mushroom is a short duration crop with high yield per unit time (1 month for the first flushes of mushroom to appear). It is a profitable business with the crop fetching good returns in the market all year round.
Any advice to the population on mushroom consumption?
Mushroom is a delicacy with a palatable taste and unique aroma. It goes well with many dishes like stew, ekwang, achu soup, egusi and okro soup including other traditional dishes and plain pepper soup. Many people cherish mushrooms in Cameroon and around the world. Regular consumption of mushroom is the secret of healthy eating based on its nutritional content and health benefits. Eating quality means the food is wholesome and health enhancing; mushroom has these qualities. Mushroom should therefore become a must include item on the weekly menu of each household in Cameroon.
What are some of the health benefits of Mushroom consumption?
Mushroom is a functional food with the following health benefits:
Mushroom Lowers cholesterol levels as they provide you with lean proteins since they have no cholesterol or fat. The fiber and certain enzymes in mushrooms also help lower cholesterol levels. Moreover, the high lean protein content in mushrooms helps burn cholesterol when digested.
Also, anemia patients are characterized by having low levels of iron in their blood, resulting in fatigue, headaches, reduced neural function, and digestive issues.
Mushrooms are very effective in preventing breast and prostate cancer due to the significant presence of various polysaccharides, like Beta-Glucans and conjugated Linoleic Acid, which both have anti-carcinogenic effects.
It may also interest you to know that mushrooms are an ideal low-energy diet for diabetics. They have no fats, no cholesterol, very low levels of carbohydrates, high protein content, and a wealth of vitamins and minerals. They also contain a lot of water and fiber. They contain natural insulin and enzymes which help the breaking down of sugar or starch in food.
In addition, mushrooms are a rich source of calcium, which is an essential nutrient in the formation and strength of bones. A steady supply of calcium in the diet can reduce your chances of developing conditions like osteoporosis, and can also reduce joint pain and general lack of mobility that is associated with bone degeneration.
Mushroom equally assists in nutrient absorption in the body. Vitamin D is a relatively rare vitamin to find in vegetables, and in fact, edible forms in general are not particularly common. However, mushrooms have it. And this essential vitamin can facilitate the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. Mushrooms also contain levels of these two nutrients, so the combined effects of having all these nutrients in one powerful source, mushrooms, makes it a good idea to eat them whenever possible. Mushroom also strengthens the immune system. Ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant present in mushrooms, is very effective in providing protection from free radicals as well as booting the immune system. The good combination of vitamin A, B-complex and C that is found in mushrooms also strengthens the immune system.
Mushroom helps in lowering blood pressure. Studies in various types of mushrooms have shown them to be high in potassium content. Potassium acts as a vasodilator, relaxing tension in blood vessels and therefore reducing blood pressure.
Also, mushroom strengthens the teeth, hair, and nail. The selenium content in mushrooms is one of the most beneficial elements that are often overlooked. The primary source of selenium is animal proteins; however, due to their classification as fungi that feed off animal and plant matter, mushrooms are the best way for vegetarians to obtain the necessary amount of selenium. Selenium is found in large quantities in mushrooms, and can benefit bone health by adding to bone strength and increase durability. Selenuim is also known to support heart health. I can assure you that the list if these benefits is endless
Can we know you better?
I am Nkwelle Jacob Esong, a retired agronomist with a Diploma in Integrated Rural Development, specialized in Project Planning and Management.
I worked in the extension service of the Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development for 29 years. I am also a Councilor of Tombel Council. I am using my wealth of experience and technical expertise in the service of my community.

Mushroom Farming Industry is not yet developed in the South West Region in particular and Cameroon at large. Through this project I intend to vulgarize low input technology in developing the full mushroom value chain in Cameroon.
Interviewed by Ahone Jessy