Members of Bangem Sub Divisional Chiefs Conference have clamoured for respect from the administration and the population at large.
The chiefs were speaking on January 10, 2025 at the Bangem Council hall during their first General Assembly for 2025.

According to HRM Chief Ekenje Theodore of Ndiamin village, chiefs are not usually recognized at Paul Biya’s stadium Bangem during official ceremonies. He said chiefs are not given invitations to important celebrations like the National Day.

According to the traditional ruler, it is disgraceful for chiefs to stand in a queue with their subjects holding with plates in their hands for food during receptions. “Chiefs should be served differently and with some respect.” He added.
Meanwhile HRM Chief Sone Fritz of Muetuk-Aku regretted that the forces of law and order treat chiefs with disdain. He said chiefs are held at control posts without respect, while others are even held in custody disgracefully.
Chief Sone pleaded with the Divisional Officer of Bangem Sub Division, Dairou Saly to help them out of the disturbing situation.
Also, HRM Chief Nkoke Joseph of Nyan added that though a retired police officer and a chief, he was held at the police control post, Bangem on his way to the meeting even after introducing himself.
HRM Chief Ejolle Joseph of Elasse village said chiefs are not invited during Bangem Council sessions. He said being the representative of the people, it is their responsibility to attend these sessions and inform their subjects on major resolutions of the meeting.
In this light, a three-man committee was formed to represent the chiefs during council sessions. They include; the President of Bangem Sub Divisional Chiefs Conference, HRM Chief Mesape Metuge of Nteho I, the Secretary General, Chief Ejolle Joseph and Chief Ekenje Theodore.
They promised to present the list to the Mayor of Bangem Council, Ekungwe Kang Christopher for positive reactions.
DO Saly Reacts
In his remarks, the DO promised to ensure that chiefs are treated with honour.

He regretted that most chiefs of the sub division boycott official meetings and ceremonies. He said serious measures shall be taken against any chief who abstain from meetings.
DO Saly told chiefs to encourage their people to shun Monday school boycotts and send their children to school.
He also told the traditional rulers to reject Non-Governmental Organizations, NGOs without authorization for public manifestation from carrying out activities in their villages.
Saly further told chiefs to encourage their subjects to register massively in the electoral register, avoid planting corn and cassava beside the road and to send monthly reports to his office for solutions to problems in their villages.
Construction of Museum
In his closing remarks, the President of the Chiefs Conference, HRM Chief Mesape Metuge of Nteho I appreciated the chiefs for their dedication.

He frowned at other chiefs who were absent from the meeting especially members with key positions.

The president said they are bent on the construction of a museum in Bangem to preserve their culture and tradition. He said a delegation of chiefs will visit the Senior Divisional Officer of Kupe Muanenguba, Mungambo Ekema William to demand land for the construction of the museum.
In the course of the meeting, the chiefs mourned the demise of their publicity secretary, HRM Chief Mesumbe Ngabe Simon of Ekaku, Bangem who died on November 12, 2024.
By Noela Teneng