The Divisional Officer of Tombel Sub Division, Nyam Leonard has applauded on and off campus projects initiated by Nyassoso Ex-Students Association, NEXSA ahead of the Golden Jubilee of Government High School, GSS/GHS Nyassoso.

The jubilee has been scheduled in Nyassoso from January 31 to February 2, 2025 under the theme, “GSS/GHS Nyassoso to celebrate 50 years of excellence in partnership with NEXSA”.
Some of the envisaged projects ongoing at the school campus include; equipping of the school library and laboratory, renovation works on the school toilets, classrooms, refectory and dormitories, the school chapel, erection of a monument on campus as well as building of the school gate.
DO Nyam described NEXSANS as men and women of substance dedicated to making the 21st Century education learner centered.
He said by working towards a clean environment and providing students with the necessary indoor and outdoor learning tools, NEXSANS are true visionaries of academic and professional excellence.

The Divisional Officer describes the ex-students association as true partners of government and saluted their efforts in developing GHS Nyassoso and the community at large.
The official launching of the Golden Jubilee fabric took place at Mess des Officier Yaounde January 11, 2025 by members of the organizing committee, headed by the President, Colonel (RTD) Sone Ajang Joseph.

The president revealed that NEXSANs are men and women of substance today because of their alma mater, GSS/GHS Nyassoso. “It is our turn to ploy back to the campus by celebrating this golden jubilee with inhabitants of Nyassoso who accommodated us. It is also an opportunity to thank the Nyassoso community that opened their doors for us to celebrate 50 years of excellence”. He disclosed.
President Ajang added that the golden jubilee will not only mark a historic milestone in the life of the institution but will serve as rallying ground to reinforce peace that is gradually returning in the region after over five years turmoil of the Anglophone crisis.
Meanwhile, the Secretary General of NEXSA, Enongene Lawrence said the golden jubilee is expected to bring together over 5000 ex-students of the school and permit them contribute to the realization of envisaged projects to enable the institution stand on its feet.
He said some of the envisaged projects are ongoing with entities like chapters and batches taking up the responsibilities.
The SG also revealed that the association is also working in partnership with the Tombel Council and Nyassoso community to upgrade the Tombel-Nyassoso road to facilitate jubilee attendees to ply the road with ease.
According to Prof. Rose Anjoh, the massive attendance expected by NEXSANs is not only going to galvanize the students and the community, but will also help to reinforce peace that has been very dear to the people of Nyassoso and neighbouring community.
“We are calling on all female NEXSANs to turn up for this celebration so we can encourage our girls to follow our footsteps. We will by carrying out hygiene sensitization campaign among the teenage girls in the school and let them understand how much their education is important for their future.” She disclosed.
The committee members were also present at CRTV Tam-Tam Weekend programme, Sunday January 12 to inform the world about the up-coming event.

It should be recalled that GSS/GHS Nyassoso opened its doors as a government secondary school with boarding facilities in 1974 after government took over infrastructure from the Bassel Mission( Presbytarian Teachers Training College) with Pa Ngende as pioneer Principal.
The school has since churned out some very important personalities in the country found in all walks of life.
By Ahone Jessy