This iconic “Paul Biya Stadium,” Bangem named after the esteemed President Paul Biya, has long been a symbol of sports and unity in the region. Located in the vibrant town of Bangem, it has witnessed countless memorable moments and has been the pride of the community.
A recent renovation has breathed new life into this beloved sporting arena. The stadium now boasts a fresh and modern look.

From the exterior facade to the seating arrangements, every aspect has been meticulously revamped to provide a superior experience for spectators and athletes alike.
Ewane Cliford Ngabe is the Sub-Section President of the Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement, CPDM Nhia III Sub-Section, Ekambeng, Kupe Muanenguba I Section, Bangem. Prior to the celebration of the 52nd National Day on May 20, 2024, he renovated the Paul Biya’s Stadium at FCFA 600.000, to provide superior experience for officials and participants during ceremonies, as well as spectators and athletes during matches.

In this exclusive interview, he talks on what motivated him to give a new facelift to the grandstand. He also sends messages of encouragement to the population and youths of Bangem as they use the facility during this holidays inter-quarter.
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What motivated you to renovate the Bangem Grandstand?
The Bangem Grandstand bears the name “Paul Biya Stadium” as dedicated to the President of the Republic by our superior elite who were behind the construction, and he, President Biya incarnates national unity. Prior to the celebration of the 52nd edition of the National Day on May 20, 2024, I thought it worthwhile, with the permission of the Senior Divisional Officer of Kupe Muanenguba, Mungambo Ekema William and the Mayor of Bangem Council, Ekungwe Kang Christopher, to give a facelift to the grandstand.

Also, as elite of Bangem Sub-Division, I was motivated by the fact that Bangem the grandstand was already in a dilapidating state somehow, and I didn’t see it normal for a Divisional Headquarter.
I was equally motivated by the spirit of community development. It is true that the grandstand or the ceremonial ground is the responsibility of the Council, but the Council also deserves support from the elite.
As Sub Section President, how does this ignites mobilization amongst militants.
As an elite of Bangem and Sub Section President of CPDM in Nhia III Sub Section, Coordinator-designate of all sub sections in Kupe Muanenguba I Section, working closely with the Section President, Mesumbe Ambrose, this gesture aligns with the vision and policy of national unity and national development, as 20th May is of this significance. It is a pointer to the fact that we must work in the ways and spirit of our political leaders of the Division, notably the Minister, the Divisional Permanent Delegation Leader amongst others, for every elite to contribute its best for the growth of the Division. This is the team spirit we should have which helps to boost party militancy, mobilization and community development.

What impacts will the rehabilitated grandstand creat within the community?
The renovation will definitely have positive impact in the community and in many ways. First of all, given that this renovation was done during the celebrations of the National Day (20th May), it acted as a booster to the Bangem population during the celebration of this great day. This was testified by the massive turn out of the Bangem population to the ceremonial grounds on May 20th.

Again, the present state of the ceremonial ground or grandstand greatly beautifies the said environment. It definitely gives Bangem a new face lift, as it happens to be one of the most conspicuous structures in Bangem Town.
Lastly, this grandstand usually hosts the population of Bangem during different holiday leisure activities, notably the inter-village football competition. Its present state, I believe, will even attract the population more for such activities, thereby reducing idleness, and crime waves.

What is the total cost of the project?
The total cost of the project is approximately Six Hundred Thousands (600,000frs).
What advice do you have for users of the grandstand?
The advice I have for the users of this grandstand is that they should be able to exercise responsibility and good citizenship in the use of this public structure. Personally, I believe the state at which structure found itself before now was due to human activity during mostly football matches.
Cultivating a spirit of responsibility and protection of public edifices will go a long way to preserving this useful structure.

Inter-village and Inter-quarters competitions are ongoing at the grandstand. Any message to the youths?
Yes the special message I have for the youth as they use this facility during this holiday games period is that they remain responsible youths and preserve public edifices. As I earlier said, this structure is mostly dilapidated during the inter-quarter/inter-village games.
We all need to join hands and efforts, behind our political leaders and other top elite, the elected officials, the Council, to make sure Bangem in particular and Kupe Muanenguba in general gets a new facelift in terms of township orderliness, good organisation and most especially, development.

Who is Ewane Cliford Ngabe?
Hahahaha. I am a civil servant and at the same time a young politician. I am the Sub-Section President of the, CPDM Nhia III Sub-Section in Ekambeng, Kupe Muanenguba I Section. I am also the Coordinator-designate of all Sub Sections of Kupe Muanenguba I Section by the Section President, and working with, and under him for mobilization of militants. I am also much driven with community unity and development, and I thank God for that. I hail from Ekambeng village, Bangem Sub-Division.
Interviewed by Olive Ejang