The TERFEL-ASBEC Foundation for Gender Development and Peace, TAFGEDEP, has sensitized and donated menstrual kits to students in Tombel.
The sensitization campaign to secondary schools took place on May 28, 2024 as part of activities to commemorate the International Day of Menstrual Hygiene, under the theme, “Together for a Period Friendly World”.
Addressing students in various schools, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of TAFGEDEP, Dr. Ngome nee Felicia Munge Etape said menstruation is an important factor in the life of a woman and therefore menstruation should be considered as a woman’s pride and not a sigma.

She outlined the importance of good menstrual hygiene management, which can always lead to stigmatization if not properly handled.
“Our objective in this campaign is to break the silence and stigmatization that surrounds menstruation. Menstruation is an important factor in the life of a woman.” She explained.
Dr. Ngome further told students that since child bearing depends on menstruation, menstruation should be a woman’s pride and not a stigma.

The CEO added that menstrual hygiene is important in the sense that it is closely related to reproductive health. She said if neglected, it can lead to infectious diseases like cervical cancer and even infertility.
She further told the students to develop good menstrual hygiene habits, take control and feel confidence about managing their periods.
Dr. Ngome encouraged that if they effectively manage menstruation, this will reduce anxiety and stress and other emotional elements surrounding menstruation.
At the end of the sensitization campaign, Edie Glory was elated for the knowledge of menstrual hygiene gained from TAFGEDEP.

“Today, I have learnt that we have different menstrual cycles and we have different ways of managing it. Most of the knowledge I acquired from friends on menstrual cycle is wrong. I am happy for this empowerment.” Edie disclosed.
On her part, Emade Rita was elated with the hygienic method used in changing pads. She promised to teach her friends knowledge gained from the campaign so that they can effectively practice good menstrual hygiene.
The students thanked the Ngome led foundation for the timely intervention to empower them with knowledge menstrual hygiene.
By Olive Ejang