The Divisional Officer of Bangem Sub Division, Dairou Saly has promised tough times to recalcitrant civil servants in his area of jurisdiction.

Dairou was reacting to complaints from some heads of administrative service in Bangem during his contact tour from April 23 to 25, 2024.

At the Sub Divisional Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development, Njabe Brigette, the Sub Delegate told the DO that one of their major challenges is the absence of staff in the field. She said when workers are absent in the field, data collection becomes difficult which affects service delivery and performance.

She said most projects are not tailored towards the need of the people and they are most often not informed about these projects.
In response, the DO promised to take action against civil servants in Bangem Sub Division not present at their duty post. According to Dairou, peace has returned to Bangem and there’s no excuse for workers to be absent from work.

He equally promised immediate solution to challenges presented to him from the various services, assuring that those above him shall be channeled to hierarchy.
Dairou used the opportunity to preach peace to his collaborators. He told students in the various schools visited to be studious, hardworking and make Bangem proud in their class and national exams.
The first day of tour took the DO to the Gendarmerie Brigade Bangem, Public Security, Bangem, Inspectorate of Basic Education, Bangem, Sub Delegation of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, MINEPIA Bangem and Bangem Council.

Dairou continued with his tour on April 25 by visiting schools like Presbyterian Comprehensive Secondary School, PCSS Bangem, Government Technical High School, GTHS Bangem, Government Bilingual High School, GBHS Bangem, Brain Ladder, Bangem and AMACOL, Bangem.

The last lap of the tour took the DO to Government Teachers Training College, GTTC Bangem, MINJEC Bangem, Multi-Purpose Youth Empowerment Center, Bangem and Social Center, Bangem.

By Glovise Forsoh
1 Comment
Beautiful one