HRM Chief Nhon Ntang Nzuonkwelle has been enthroned as third class chief of Nkack village, Nninong Clan, Bangem Sub Division, Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region.

The coronation ceremony took place on April 18, 2024 at the Nkack Royal Palace, presided by the Divisional Officer of Bangem Sub Division, Dairou Saly.

HRM Chief Ntang was designated Chief of Nkack village in a consultation meeting on August 2, 2023. He replaces Late Chief Belle Wang Emmanuel who died in 2017.

In his coronation speech, DO Dairou congratulated the new chief and cautioned him to understand the new journey he was about to embark.

“Your new journey has many difficulties but wisdom will guide you for peace to reign in Nkack. You must ensure that peace and unity continue to prevail in Nkack village.” He added.

Dairou reminded the chief to master his rights as presented by the law and to rule his people with love.

He told the Chief to facilitate economic development of the village by boosting agricultural activities, mobilize youths on the living together culture, and for parents to keep sending their children to school.

Culturally Dairou commissioned the chief to uphold the rich culture of the Bakossi people.

He also used the opportunity to announce that delivery and establishment of the birth certificates is now free.

He then ended by calling on the population of Nkack to unite unanimously behind their chief as they all embark on this new chapter of Nkack village.

In his words of appreciation, the newly enthroned said he was deeply honored to be succeeding his predecessor and to see the huge crowd presentat the coronation.

Chief Nzuonkwelle used the opportunity to promise his people that they will never regret their decision as he will do everything possible to lead Nkack to greater heights.

He pleaded with the government and elite to hear the cry of his people which include the bad roads, lack of electricity, and limited signals from mobile telephone networks, amongst others.

Ndode Harrison Ebonge, Interim Youth President, on behalf of the youths of Nkack village, assured hundred percent collaboration and support behind their new chief.

The ceremony was spiced with libation, choral music, traditional performances with various dance groups like the Ahon dance, the Mbororo dance of Muanenguba, the Nzoumal and Ekalle Ntoh (Ngwate) and playbacks by local artists like Golden Elondo and Elone Elone.

Also present at the ceremony was the Mayor of Bangem Council, Ekungwe Kang Christopher, elite of Nkack village, friends and relatives of the newly enthroned.

By Glovise Forsoh
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Beautiful compilation Doc