Family members at home and abroad have offered thanksgiving to God as they celebrate the life of their legend and father, 82 years old Ebah Hans Apoh.
The thanksgiving celebration took place from the 15th to the 17th of December 2023 at Njom Village, Bangem Sub Division, Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region.
The biological and adopted children thanked God for keeping their father alive to experience their expression of gratitude for what he has done for them, for the numerous sacrifices in their upbringing, including giving up his education for their sake.
“By the grace of God, Papa Apoh can walk, see, hear, eat, talk and we continue to benefit from his guidance and love.” They revealed.

In the thanksgiving church service on the 16th of December at Presbyterian Church Njom, Rev. Fang Terence Njuh, the host pastor preached on the theme, “The Grace of God,” with readings from 1 Corinthians 15:9-10 of the Holy Bible.
Describing grace as the unmerited favour of God towards humanity, he told the Christians and well-wishers that it is the grace of God that has kept Pa Apoh alive.
Rev. Fang said most of Pa Apoh’s school mates and friends have died along the line but the grace of God has kept him alive not because he is more righteous.
He enjoined those in position of authority to stop abusing power and become humble as they serve humanity.

In the thanksgiving church service, Pa Apoh’s family raised over FCFA 5.5million (five million, five hundred thousand) in cash and pledges for the church building.
In their various tributes, Ngide Samuel Metuge, brother and adopted son to Pa Apoh described their father as his inspirator. “The words ‘thank you’ are not enough to acknowledge your positive role in my life. Although I did not meet my biological father alive, you gave me the best royal treatment a father can give to his most cherished child. Thanks to your sacrifices.” He added.

Also, Dr Ebah Moses Metuge, brother and son to the celebrant described their father as his mentor. “I am indeed indebted to your fatherly care, moral upbringing, sacrifices and most especially, worthy principles of life you imparted on me.” He appreciated.
Meanwhile Pa Apoh’s daughter, Ebune Victorine Mbole described her father as a man of dignity and integrity. “You are an example of love and attention, a symbol of peace and unity, a great man with a large heart.” She added.
Pa Apoh was born on the 22nd of September 1941. He got married to Olive Diengu in 1970 and Regina Namondo in 1985. Out of their eight biological children, seven are alive.

Other programs that marked the celebration include; fish harvesting from the pond, ngone dance by Njom youths, musical comedy by Les Twins dy Kamer, musical concert by H-Piezoh, disco dance, games, award of prizes, amongst others.
Also present at the event was the Senior Divisional Officer of Kupe Muanenguba, Mungambo Ekema William, the Divisional Officer of Bangem Sub Division, Felix Kanga, other administrative, religious and traditional authorities.

By Olive Ejang