Author: ultimatemedia

A Cameroonian woman survivor of a Dubai building fire that killed 16 people on Saturday recalled how she sustained injuries after jumping from the building to escape. Yemdzu Doris Claire, a cashier with an African restaurant in Dubai, was among the nine people who sustained injuries in the blaze, which, Dubai Civil Defence said, was caused due to a lack of compliance with building security and safety requirements. Speaking to Gulf News on Monday, Claire said she and her colleague, chef Nicoline Abinkeng, were asleep in their apartment when the fire broke out. The apartment was shared by seven people,…

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Post-partum massage, an age old cultural practice in most communities in Cameroon and Africa, constitute the process of rubbing the belly of a nursing mother with extremely hot water few days after delivery. Kenji Laure just put to birth, her baby is 2 weeks old. The baby cries for milk while Laure in the bathroom, screams out in pain as a towel soaked in hot water is being used to massage her tommy by her mother. Like Laure, this is the fate of most African young women. This very controversial cultural practice is hatched by elderly women with the promise…

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The population of the village of Oudjila in the of Mayo-Sava division has been immersed into sadness since 6 March, 2023. Many remain homeless. “I have 12 women and 28 children. As is traditional here in Oudjila, each wife has a bedroom, two attics and a kitchen. All this has gone up in smoke,” explains Salomon Oumar. He is one of the many people affected by the fire on 6 March. It took place in the village of Oudjila, located about ten kilometres from Mora in the Mayo-Sava division in the Far North region. The flames did not only ravage hundred of huts in the…

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The town of Mokolo was last week the scene of a passioned murder that led to the death of two people. Raiga, the director of the private Catholic school of Mboua in Mokolo in the Far North region of Cameroon, suspected his wife of being unfaithful. But he was not convinced because he could hardly see the woman who gave him eight children cheating on him with another man. But to get a clear picture of the situation, he sought the help of a tracker. The latter gave him compromising information about his wife, with photos to back it up. The last straw came last April…

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At the close of 2018, the sociopolitical atmosphere in the North West and South West regions was cataclysmic. The level of violence and destruction had hit unprecedented heights with many fearing for the worst. But President Paul Biya, in his usual wisdom opted for a fresh approach to address the concerns of the people of the two English-speaking regions. He made known his resolve when he addressed the nation at the end of 2018. Thus, the country entered 2019 with a new government under the directive of the Head of State given firm instructions to take actions towards turning the…

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Thirty Afro-descendants from the United States of America undertook the journey to Cameroon in search of their history and roots, as part of the Ancestry Re-connection Programme. This programme is initiated by the American NGO African Ancestry, in partnership with the ARK Jammers association. These “Camericans”, as they call themselves, have discovered their Cameroonian ancestry thanks to a DNA test. Cameroon has a large diaspora of Afro-descendants. More than 8,000 of them have been able to identify their Cameroonian origins through DNA testing, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, famous music producer Quincy Jones, renowned film director Spike Lee…

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The Minister of Public Health, Malachie Manaouda, made this information public in a tweet on last April 11. The West region joined the other 9 regions in harboring a haemodilysis center. The latest one to be operational is the one at the regional hospital in Bafoussam. According to the Minister of Public Health, Malachie Manaouda, this technical platform was put into operation following an instruction from the Head of State, Paul Biya. The latter had instructed the raising of technical platforms and access to care for all populations of Cameroon throughout the national territory. The population of the West, especially those suffering from renal failure, will…

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The Universal Health Coverage , in its pilot phase officially launched on Wednesday 12 April in the East region, targets more than 6 million people.   For its implementation, the UHC targets children from 0 to 5 years who will benefit from free treatment of simple and severe malaria, pregnant…

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The Learn & Adapt association organised a training session for journalists to enable them to get to grips with digital tools. True to its mission to lead companies and individuals in mastering digital and coaching in order to increase their performance the association dubbed Learn and Adapt just held a new workshop on digital skills. Journalists were the lucky beneficiaries of this seminar organised on April 15 2023 in Yaounde.One of the major highlights of the training was how to disseminate information online. They were briefed on how to master the digital environment and on the choice of sound and image processing software without forgetting the downloading process. Journalists…

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Cameroon Telecommunications (Camtel) is the new sponsor of the championship corpo and veterans. The Cameroon Football Federation (Fecafoot) is working to relaunch the championship this year. Following the agreement signed on April 17 in Yaoundé by the president of Fecafoot, Samuel Eto’o, and the director general of Camtel, Judith Yah Sunday, the championship is now called Blue Corpos Championship. It is a “tournament that will compete 18 teams representing major Cameroonian companies in the regions of Central, Littoral, South, Southwest, Adamaoua and North,” explains the communication division of Camtel. As a partner, Camtel is committed to financially support the Blue…

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