Author: ultimatemedia

The lack of drugs has been felt in recent months in many hospitals and pharmacies in rural or semi-urban areas. This situation has plunged many patients into uncertainty. They went from one hospital to another or from one pharmacy to another with the hope of finding the sesame. A malaise noted by parliamentarians in oral session last Friday at the homily of the lower house of parliament in the presence of the Minister of Public Health, Manaouda Malachi. According to the member of the government, the National Centre for the Supply of Medicines and Essential Medical Consumables (CENAME) has experienced…

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During the month of April, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) counted 4,591 internally displaced persons in the crisis regions of the Northwest and Southwest. “More than 4,591 people reportedly moved to the neighboring bushes, villages and cities, with the most affected divisions being Manyu in the Southwest and Donga-Mantung in the Northwest the most affected divisions,” OCHA said in a recent report on the humanitarian situation in these two regions. According to this UN organization, “most movements are temporary, with the civilian population gradually adapting to the crisis by taking shelter during clashes or other…

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The planned Elective Convention of the Social Democratic Front, SDF, has been postponed indefinitely, authorities of the political outfit announced Saturday. Postponed due to the upcoming funeral of the party’s National Chairman, Ni John Fru Ndi, the convention initially planned for July this year, may only be held at the close of the year, The Guardian Post has been hinted. Discussions on the announced postponement of the Elective Convention and the forthcoming funeral of Ni John Fru Ndi, who passed away a fortnight ago, were at the front burner of discussions at a National Executive Committee, NEC meeting, held Saturday…

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Four of ten persons, including workers of the Cameroon Development Corporation, CDC, and non-CDC workers, recently kidnapped by suspected separatist fighters, have succeeded to escape from their abductors. The workers were kidnapped at about 9 p.m on Friday June 23. This was after separatist fighters attacked two CDC camps, Rechtsfuss and Scipio, and took ten workers of the corporation, including children and non-workers. In a telephone interview with the Divisional Officer, DO of West Coast Subdivision, in Limbe, Fako Division, Ngong Stephen, he confirmed that four of the victims were able to escape, while six others are still with their…

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At a very young age of 26, it can be said, without fear of contradiction, that Christine Enowmbi Tambe, is a lady who achieved greatness. In the science world, brilliant intellectual minds like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Ernest Rutherford, Marie Curie, Alfred Nobel, and Jennifer Doudna, have been mentioned over the years. They have been studied and young science enthusiasts encouraged to use them as inspiration to set ambitious standards in their own lives and pursue out-of-the-ordinary aspirations. But no one has ever hit so close to home than the young Cameroonian lady, Christine Enowmbi Tambe. Her’s is…

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Widows of Tiko, Mutengene and Likomba are in immense joy as they have once again been visited by the Husband to the widows, Honorable Fritz Ngeka Etoke on the occasion of the International Widow’s day which coincides with the birthday of the philanthropist. The widows of the Tiko- Mutengene area received bags of rice, scholarship for their children and financial support which will enable them sustain themselves and their families. The privileged women also got free screening on sugar levels, for diabetes patients, and blood pressure from the specialized medical team of “Molua Pharmacy”.The health team further offered some counseling…

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As we move towards the end of the 2022-2023 cocoa season, which theoretically extends from August 1, 2022 to July 15, 2023, Cameroon estimates that the losses recorded due to fraudulent exports of its production to Nigeria, from the Southwest region, the country’s important production basin, at about FCFA 70 billion. The figure is revealed in a circular letter from the Minister of Commerce on “urgent safeguard measures to be implemented, with a view to eradicating the harmful phenomenon of massive and fraudulent exports” of Cameroon cocoa to Nigeria. The document was prepared after a crisis meeting, organized on June…

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The Government of Cameroon indicates that a total of 348 young people will be trained in local flour production in the ten regions of Cameroon. The announcement was made by the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education on June 14, 2023. Minister Mounouna Foutsou, who presided over the official ceremony at which the announcement was made, indicated that the program will aim to train young people in local flour production. “The government through the MINJEC is committed to mobilizing and directing young people towards these promising professions that are likely to contribute to this import substitution policy through the processing…

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The Minister of Public Health Manaouda Malachi took advantage of the 24th session of the Board of Directors of Nurse Training Schools to warn them on June 15. In view of the state of unsanitary conditions in some schools for the training of health workers, nurses, midwives, Manaouda Malachie asks the promoters of these professional institutions to meet the standards. He promises to track down unhealthy schools, which will later be closed. “We will make a systematic assessment and that all schools that have installed learners in infrastructures or in environments that are not conducive to learning (…) will be…

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Dschang University remains at the heart of the news. On the night of Friday to Saturday, June 17, 2023, a coordinated attack by the criminals successively targeted the laboratories of the Faculty of Science, the residence of the Secretary General and the residence of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, all located inside the main campus. At the Faculty of Science, the criminals stole laboratory equipment at an estimated cost of about forty million CFA francs. At the secretary general’s residence, Professor Mvele Guy, the outlaws, after climbing the barrier, broke the back door of the building…

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