Members of Christian Men Fellowship, CMF Bakossi North Presbytery, Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region, have ended a ground breaking rally, strategizing on evangelism to fish men for the kingdom of God.

This was the outcome of the 68th annual CMF rally that took place at Presbyterian Church Enyandong Congregation, December 8, 2024 under the theme, “Be on the Alert and Pray Always”, bringing together CMF groups from ten congregations within the Presbytery.

In his sermon at the rally, the Presbyterial Secretary for Bakossi North Presbytery, Rev. Dr. Elangwe Namaya who doubles as Parish Pastor of PC Bangem Congregation, preached on the theme, “Pray Always and Stand Firm” with reference to Luke 21:36 from the Holy Bible.

He enjoined worshippers to pray always rather than allowing addictions to dominate their consciousness.

According to Rev. Dr. Namaya, the weapon Jesus used to overcome the world was prayer and God’s words. He said Christians must use this to be on alert and overcome all lurking temptations which can bring them calamity.

He was excited to preach and fellowship at the Enyandong congregation again where thirty years ago, he served as parish pastor.

The ten CMF groups participated in a quiz and singing competition with the key message for Christians to always pray, be on the alert and watchful.

Dedication of Exco Members
Also in the course of the rally, the Presbyterial Secretary dedicated a twelve man exco of CMF, Bakossi North to pilot the fellowship for the next five years.

The exco members include; Enongene Palle Wilfred as President, Belle Eric Ebong as Vice, Ngalle Daniel, Secretary, Ntungwe Nerville, Treasurer, Muabi Divine, Evangelism Secretary, Ekwenongene Alex, Financial Secretary, Ntungwe Isaac, Publicity Secretary, Ngabe Mballe, Project Officer, Edietah Simon and Mbwoge Fritz as advisers.
Thanksgiving by Newly Dedicated Exco MembersAlso, Ngwese Metuk and Ewange Abraham were installed and dedicated as Southern and Middle Zone Coordinators respectively.

In his installation and dedication speech, the Rev. Namaya commissioned them to work in synergy and be one another’s keeper.
He also told the exco members to lead people to Christ and to bring more members to their various groups.
The PS reminded the newly dedicated members that they are obliged to attend church regularly, partake in the Lord’s Supper and other congregational activities, live exemplary lifestyles and to stimulate their groups to serve Christ in the congregation and their communities.
Speaking to The Ultimate, the newly dedicated president said his immediate vision is to intensify evangelism within the various groups for spiritual and numerical increase.

The event also witnessed a fund raising ceremony chaired by Ewang Simon of CMF Enyandong Branch.

Accompany Rev. Dr. Namaya at the rally was the Rev. Fang Terrence Njuh, parish pastor, PC Muaku Congregation, Rev. Tumasang Joseph Nsuh, parish pastor of PC Enyandong Congregation, Pastor Fonkam Florence, parish pastor of PC Mwambong Congregation and Pastor Njeh Gilbert Njandome of Elambeng Congregation.

By Olive Ejang