Ebah Ngome nee Epole Vivian Ewang is Civil Administrator from the National School of Administration and Magistracy ENAM. Though a civil service, she is the national president of Nninong Women and Daughters Development Association, NIWODDA, where she is impacting the lives of thousands of women world.
The exclusive interview is exciting.
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The Ultimate: We love to know where you work?
I work with the ministry of state property surveys and land tenure as the regional chief in charge of Revenue for the West Region
What are some of your activities that have impacted the lives of women?
I have been national president of NIWODDA for nine years (2016 till date) and the Secretary General of the same association for 10 years, that is from 2006 to 2016.
As president of this prestigious association we have been able to give back hope to those who thought all hope was lost. A good example is educating women who are married but uneducated.
We send them back to school making them intellectual giants and at the same time making them economically viable. We identified girls and also sent them to school. Today they are found in all walks of life.
Some of the women we have empowered are those involved in farming, rearing of table birds, cultivation of plantains etc.
Alos, we donated didactic materials to schools in Nninong, donated drugs and other items to the Bangem District Hospital.
We have also touched the lives of underprivileged in so many ways and above all, we have been able to make our women relax once a year during our annual general assembly. We go to the beach, swim, dance and enjoy ourselves. This relaxation therapy increases the lifespan of my women.

How do you manage work and family as a career woman?
Being a career woman has never been and will never be an easy task. I always try to organize myself in the most descent and orderly manner.
I have set up a structure in my house that makes live very easy and reduces stress. Every member of my family understands what he/she gets to do and at what time.
Apart from being a career woman I am a marriage coach. Many marriages are breaking today because most couples don’t understands the basics about this institution. They concentrate on the big things and forget the very little things that matter. I have helped most marriages from hitting the rocks through my advise and from my own personal experience as a married woman.
What special advise do you have for women as they celebrate Women’s Day?
My special advise to woman is that they should economically empower themselves and not seek for equality through short cuts. They should go to school, acquire skills have the same qualifications as the men. Only then can we talk of equality. We shall not be appointed to posts of responsibility just because we are women with little or no qualification. If every woman can build a structure around their homes then we can easily succeed in our careers.
Interviewed by Ahone Jessy