December 21, 2024 was a memorable day for over 250 widows in Bangem Sub Division as they danced and celebrated in the decorated Bangem Council hall saturated with Christmas gifts from Etake Divine, Country Manager of Agroproduce Management Services, AMS Ltd Cameroon and spouse, Mbole Pamela épse Etake.

The yearly rendezvous with widows sparkled as the couple entered the hall to the rhythm and merriment of the widows, “Papa elehhh yayato, Mama elehhh yayato”.

Accompanied by the Divisional Officer of Bangem Sub Division, Dairou Saly, the First Assistant Senior Divisional Officer of Kupe Muanenguba, Djaone Mouguim, the Etakes jubilated with the widows as they mount the rostrum.

Coordinated by the Director of Women Empowerment and the Family Center, Bangem, Mwene Agnes Senge, the widows collected their gifts which comprised; rice, groundnut oil, sardine, tomatoes, salt, maggi cube, tablets and powder soap, chewable and juice, they showered praises and blessings on the Etakes for respecting their yearly rendezvous of feasting Christmas with widows in Bangem.

In his message, Pastor Dickson Bokuba of The Apostolic Church of Cameroon, Bangem preached on the theme, “Genuine Love Cares’ Reading James 1:27 from the Holy Bible.

He said widows, orphans and the poor who are mostly neglected in the society are the first to receive answers from God. He revealed God is happy when we show genuine love to others and put smiles on their faces.

Pastor Bokuba stated that Etake Divine and spouse are not the richest couple in Bangem but have decided to bless widows at Christmas.

The Pastor told the widows to pray continuously for the benefactors so that they will extend their largess to the entire Kupe Muanengba Division during their next visit.

He encouraged the widows to love and help each other, open their hearts to God for abundant blessings daily.

Life Story
In his words of encouragement, the Country Manager thanked widows for coming out massively for the Christmas feast. He told the widows to always listen to the gospel in order to be happy at all times.

“The only place they tell you that life is better is in the church. Your life can never remain the same when you go to church”. He disclosed.

Etake said his life is a wonder to many people because he has embraced the gospel. “I didn’t use energy or juju to be where I am today. Life was not easy for me as a growing boy. There was no one to encourage me that life will be better. I threw myself in the hands of God. God has transformed my life from one level to another in a cocoa company. It has been God all the way. I was an elder of The Apostolic Church. I was recently appointed to serve as a pastor in the same Ministry”. He told the widows.

The benefactor said he decided to unveil the story of his life to widows as a way to present the gospel to them.
“If God used the gospel to turn my life around, he will surely do it for you. You don’t pay anything to listen to the gospel. If God can turn my life around and I don’t preach to others, then I am wicked”. He added.
Etake disclosed that in order for worshipers of The Apostolic Church Bangem to be comfortable he has built a church to accommodate Christians.

In his remarks, the DO of Bangem lauded Etake Divine and spouse for reaching out and celebrating with widows. He urged women to send their children to school on Mondays because Bangem is peaceful.
The DO also told widows to caution their children against drug consumption in order to become responsible citizens like the Etakes.
Saly also cautioned them to keep the town clean and to refrain from planting corn and cassava beside roads to avoid destruction.
The event ended with merry making as the Etakes doled out cash for transport and Christmas drinks to the widows.

By Ahone Jessy