The Head of State, President Paul Biya has raised the traditional ruler of Kack Village, Tombel Sub Division, Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region, HRM Chief Mbong Walter Mesumbe, to the rank of Knight of the Cameroon Order of Merit, in recognition to his enormous contribution to nation building.

While affixing the medal on the Chief on May 20, 2024, the Senior Divisional Officer of Nyong and So’o Division, Engamba Emmanuel Ledoux, on behalf of the Head of State congratulated him for his services to the state and humanity.
The Kack traditional ruler is currently serving as the Deputy Director of the National Forestry School in Mbalmayo, Cameroon since 2017.
Speaking to the press after his medal, Chief Mesumbe appreciated the Head of State for recognizing his twenty four years of service as a civil servant.

“With my appointment to the Knight of the Cameroon Order of Merit, I am humbled and encouraged to serve more. I pledge my loyalty to serve my state selflessly”. He disclosed
HRM Chief Mbong Walter Mesumbe was born on the 19th July 1971 in his native Kack village.
He is holder of a Masters Degree in International Relations and Social Sciences, Peace and Development from the Protestant University of Central Africa, Yaounde. He also holds a Higher Teaching Diploma (DIPES 2) from the Higher Teachers Training College (ENS) Yaounde of the University of Yaounde 1.

HRM Chief Mbong Walter Mesumbe equally holds a Bachelor degree in English Modern Letters from the University of Yaounde 1. Presently, he is a second year Doctorate student in Peace Studies in the Protestant University of Central Africa, Yaounde.

The Kack traditional ruler has served the nation in the following capacity;
He is the Deputy Director of the National Forestry School in Mbalmayo, Cameroon since September 2017..
HRM Chief Mbong Walter Mesumbe, the Kack Traditional RulerHe has served as Assistant Research Officer at the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, Cameroon.
The Deputy Director has also served as Private Secretary at the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon and in the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife.
He has taught in several colleges in Cameroon.
In 2020, he was designated and enthroned as the new third class chief of Kack village.

HRM Chief Mbong Walter Mesumbe is married and a father of many children.
By Olive Ejang